Year: 2020 | Month: December | Volume 10 | Issue 2

Development and Quality Evaluation of Multigrains Idli

Adsare A.D. Giram K.K. Kadbhane V.S. Khupase S.P. John Devid


Cereals and pulses combination was good nutritional sources of fiber, protein and energy. This research was conducted determining the physio-chemical properties and organoleptic evaluation of developed multigrain idli. Idli was prepared from Sorghum, Pearl millet, Finger millet, Amaranth and Black gram. All the ingredient for preparation of idli was collected from the Krushi exhibition, farmer and local market. Formulation carried out by CRD method. Four different types of idli with varying proposition of ingredients was prepared. The composition was T0 - rice 70 gm and black gram 30 gm, T1 - sorghum: pearl millet: finger millet: amaranth: black gram; 55:5:5:5:30; T2- 45:10:10:5:30; T3-35:15:10:10:30 respectively. These scores compared with standard idli. The quality evaluation of developed idli samples such as organoleptic evaluation and physio-chemical parameters. The organoleptic score and physio-chemical parameters of T3 sample better than other samples. The proximate evaluation of developed idli samples such as T3 sample was rich in fiber, protein, calcium, iron and cheap in carbohydrate and fat. The overall evaluations T3 sample was better than T0, T1 and T2.

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